The webpage includes an online shop, which is the online presence of the company under the name “VICE VERSA (Efstathios G. Pitsinikos) Leather Goods Craft” and the trade name “VICE VERSA” (Tax Reg. No 031282683, Moschato Tax Office). The company's head office is located in Moschato, Attica.
“VICE VERSA” endeavors to provide a first-class customer service on a daily basis. The creation of this particular e-shop signifies the beginning of an advanced form of communication between the company and its customers. In addition, this e-shop is intended for all internet users who wish not only to receive direct information on the company's products but also to complete a purchase through the e-shop, by means of distance online order.
“VICE VERSA” gives attention to the direct and satisfactory customer service, operating constantly in a responsible manner on the course of its business activity and cultivating trust between the company and its customers.
The present terms fully comply with the current European and Greek legislation; users acknowledge the company’s right to modify any provisions of the present terms to the extent that such modification would neither affect legally binding obligations of either party nor affect any accomplished situations.
Website users acknowledge they have read the present terms, agree with them and undertake to comply with them.
We feel we have the obligation to keep our customers always informed and secured. For this reason, we would like to inform our e-shop customers on the following topics through the following links: